What You Want Wednesday: Help Me, Help You

In Lifestyle + Wellness by Tori Daly2 Comments

I’ve been doing some soul searching in terms of how to bring important content to you, the reader, because I believe that nothing can be done well if it doesn’t have the greater purpose of helping others. The object of this lifestyle blog is to serve you by providing valuable information on topics that are meaningful and helpful to your everyday life.

So with that, I am beginning a “What You Want Wednesday” series that will present a new lifestyle topic each month in which you can post your burning questions in the comments. Each Wednesday for the rest of the month, posts will cover those topics in hopes of answering your questions. Then we will begin again the following month with a new topic.

Since we are in the middle of September right now it will be a great chance to get our feet wet with this new series. I am really excited about this andhope you all participate + find incredible value in it! After all, I can only serve you best if I know what you need!

The lifestyle topic for September will be: Simplifying the Home. I want to know what areas you struggle with in keeping your home manageable. Is it a lack of routine or time? Too much clutter? Lack of design inspiration? I want to answer any questions you have about how to get your home life simplified!

Post your questions in the comments below then check back each Wednesday this month for the answers. Looking forward to beginning this journey with you!


  1. Ahh, September! Now that the school year routine is back into place, how can I keep my entryway organized from backpacks, empty lunch bags, gym bags and sports/band equipment clutter? The stuff is needed each school day, so it seems like a waste of time (and a chance that it’ll be forgotten)to put it away in the proper places. Thanks in advance, I love your Blog 🙂

  2. This September marked the first year of school for our house (actual bus riding 😩) with my daughter starting Pre-K 4. I drastically underestimated the amount of paperwork that gets sent home everyday. I am a generally organized person and tend to deal with things as they come in but I’m at a loss as to how to organize the school notes (notices, fundraisers, class projects, picture day, etc) and this is only our second full week of school. Before my kitchen become over run with school stuff I would love some tips on keeping it organized so I can stay on top of it all.

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