white bedding with sleep mask

How To Get a Good Night’s Sleep: Create a Wellness Bedroom

In Lifestyle + Wellness by Tori DalyLeave a Comment

When was the last time you had a good night’s sleep? Like a real restorative rest, where you wake up refreshed, clear in the head, ready to tackle the day. One where you didn’t wake up in the middle of the night because of hot, scratchy linens or excess noise?

It’s no surprise that a poor night’s sleep makes us less than desirable to be around but it goes beyond just a grizzly demeanor. A lack of quality sleep, specifically over an extended amount of time, can raise your risk of heart disease, diabetes, inflammation, cognitive impairment + immune function. As most moms come to realize during those early baby stages, sleep deprivation is no joke. There’s a reason it is used as a form of torture.

Sadly sleep is one of the weak points in our household + one that I plan on making drastic changes to. I’m pretty sure I haven’t had consistently decent sleeps for over 5 years now. This means that my risk for diseases I’m genetically predisposed to developing is increasing. With our first child who NEVER slept, motherhood in general + a husband on shift work it’s easy to see how we struggle with this extremely imperative wellness factor.

These are obviously lifestyle obstacles that we need to navigate, especially the shift work one, but when we do finally get to sleep I want it to be as restorative a possible. A big way to accomplish this is through creating a healthy bedroom environment that promotes wellness + body/mind restoration. Here are the steps I am taking to make our bedroom a place of healing + rest:

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“How can you expect to relax when walking into a room of chaos?”

It’s almost painful repeating this step over + over again but it cannot stress this enough! I am a complete offender of this by letting clothes pile up on the dresser or little things junk up the nightstand from time-to-time but it eventually gets under my skin + I go on a Marie Kondo decluttering spree!

How can you expect to relax when walking into a room of chaos? Many people think that clutter doesn’t affect them. This is most likely because they are not completely in tune with their body + its reactions. Yes, some are more sensitive to disorganization + others claim to “thrive” in chaos. But that “thrive” feeling that makes you feel alive + energized is most likely anxiety.

The bedroom should have space where you + energy can freely move about. Declutter under beds, in drawers + the obvious surfaces like nightstands + dressers. And don’t just throw everything into drawers or closets because you will subconsciously know the mess that they’re hiding. Implement organization tools like Marie Kondo’s folding method, drawer organizers, matching hangers, storage boxes to keep items dust free + pretty.


Giving your bedroom a good deep cleaning, especially in areas where dust can accumulate will help keep allergies at bay + allow you to have a restful slumber without clogged up sinuses. This can also reduce snoring which can keep interrupting sleep.

Be sure to use pillow + mattress covers to reduce sweat, oil + dust settling in to the materials. Clean bedding + protective covers at least once a week {use the warmest water possible during cold + flu season}, wash pillows every 3 months + rotate/flip + vacuum mattresses every 3 months.

Skip the harsh chemicals + dusters + opt for microfiber cloths that attract + trap the dust naturally. When cleaning floors, use a mixture of white vinegar, water + some essential oils or if you need a ready made natural cleaner on hand I love this Aunt Fannie’s Cleaning Vinegar. When vacuuming, be sure to use one that has a HEPA filter like this + empty the canister regularly.

Don’t forget to keep your shoes out of the bedroom! Take them off at the front door + carry them to the closet. One day I plan on having all my shoes in a completely separate area from clothing but current circumstances require them to be in the same closet. I do keep them well below the clothing though so no grim drops off onto my clothes.



“…select sheets that are organic cotton, linen or silk. These are all breathable, temperature regulating, natural linens that will allow you to get a better rest while minimizing the body absorbing harmful chemicals…”

Forget trying to sleep on synthetic linens + pillows. Those popular memory foam pillows are filled with chemicals that breakdown + are inhaled while you’re burying your head to get in a few more winks. If you currently have memory foam pillows grab some organic cotton pillow covers to zip on + reduce your exposure. Since pillows should be replaced roughly every 3 years, the next time you’re in the market look for a pillow made from natural latex, wool or buckwheat filled.

When choosing bedding, select sheets that are organic cotton, linen or silk. These are all breathable, temperature regulating, natural linens that will allow you to get a better rest while minimizing the body absorbing harmful chemicals from synthetic or non-organic bedding. If the cost of these natural bedding items stops you in your tracks, just pick up a pair of pillowcases + test the difference.

I have a personal preference for brands that have a purpose attached to them, which is why I have been personally drawn to Boll + Branch. There products are superior to a lot of what is out there being touted as “organic”, they support farmers + fair working conditions + wages, plus they have an incredible mission to end human trafficking. Not to mention their bedding is beautiful + classic!

While I am not a fan or carpeting, especially in the bedroom, I do think that a nice area rug under the bed lends a good amount of warmth + comfort. That being said, make sure to still vacuum under the bed regularly + select a rug made from natural materials like sisal, jute, wool or cotton with a natural latex backing. The cheap, synthetic rugs are made from chemical heavy polymers that breakdown quickly + are released into the air.

Here are some cute natural rugs that will make your bedroom still look super stylish!




A lot of bedrooms are now doubling as home offices as more people work from home. However, the constant flow of energy from electronics can be disrupting a good night’s sleep without you being any the wiser. Keep computers out of the bedroom, nix the TV if possible + have minimal items plugged in on the wall that your headboard is on.

There are a lot of suggestions for keeping cell phones out of the bedroom, turned off or on airplane mode during sleep. This is something that I would love to do but our lifestyle doesn’t really warrant it right now. When my husband works midnight shift I like to have my phone on but I do try to keep it at a distance. When we are all home, however, I do turn the phone on to airplane mode. We plan on creating a charging area on the dresser so that it is away from our bodies but still accessible. Perhaps a charging station like this would work.



Having layered lighting in a bedroom is crucial since you do two completely different things here…go to sleep + wake up. Having a lot of natural light in the morning helps to regulate your circadian rhythm + wake up naturally but that light shouldn’t be peeking in an earlier than you want to be waking up.

Again, with the challenge of shift work, our bedroom needs to have the ability to be dark during the day….kind of like a nursery needing blackout shades for nap time. When choosing materials for windows treatments avoid anything with vinyl as PVC is one of the most harmful chemicals + hormone disruptors. And guess what, you need hormones for a good night’s sleep! Natural materials like woven wood shades + organic cotton or linen panels {preferably machine washable} are a great way to promote wellness in the bedroom.

In regards to artificial light, having only overhead lights can be too aggressive + only table lamps can be too dim. Layer when + where you can but be mindful of the bulbs you are using. Ditch the mercury containing CFL bulbs + halogens that emit blue light. The safest + healthiest bet is to stick with incandescent bulbs or non-blue light emitting LED bulbs. You can consider using pink light bulbs like these to create a warm + relaxing atmosphere.

My favorite way to create a warm feeling is by turning on our Himalayan salt lamp. There are claims that the salt produces negative ions that attach to + neutralize the positively charged dust flying around your room carrying all sorts of nasty chemicals, supposedly improving air quality. Even if it doesn’t really do anything for the air quality, the light it gives off is so magically soothing! The first few nights we used it my husband + I swore it was the best night sleep we ever had! I’m considering getting one for our oldest son’s room to replace his nightlight that has disrupting rotating colors.

There’s also these Selenite lamps that are growing in popularity that I would love to try. And consider using a silk sleep mask to block out excess light.



Getting a good night’s sleep is a huge challenge if you are too hot or too cold. When you’re body isn’t at it’s ideal temperature it works harder to regulate itself meaning you are basically in survival mode. When you find the perfect temperature, your body can relax + the process of sleep can begin. Find your Goldilocks zone for a bedroom that allows you to get a good night’s sleep.


Some people are very different in their sound needs for rest. My husband always slept in complete silence…until he met me…the queen of fans! I need white noise + usually some constant air movement to lull me to sleep. I’m practically a baby.

If you live in an area with a lot of traffic or disruptions, white noise can be a saving grace. The consistent, relaxing sound these white noise machines create can help drown out disturbances like abrupt noises.

When choosing white noise to listen to, some experts warning that high pitched sounds, like crickets, can cause slight hearing damage if played over a long period of time. So go with lower frequency sounds like rain showers, ocean waves {a personal fave} or car/plane sounds.



“A well purified room will smell clean but sometimes you need that little something extra to create a relaxing atmosphere.”

As mentioned before, a clean room begets a good night’s sleep. The air you’re breathing while sleeping should especially be clean! Reducing dust, pollen + mold will alleviate that stuffy nose that starts to settle in during the night. Keep the filters in your HVAC system clean {change at least every 6 months} + consider adding in a portable air purifier. Opt for ones that do NOT create ozone which can be a respiratory irritant . Look for purifiers that have several filter layers that can filter out dust, pollen + mold particles, as well odor.

Plants that purify the air are also beneficial in the bedroom. Choose ones that are low on the maintenance scale + high on the filtering of harmful chemicals like formaldehyde, toluene + benzene.

A well purified room will smell clean but sometimes you need that little something extra to create a relaxing atmosphere. For this I love using essential oils + candles. Oils are especially relaxing + can be used all night long. I prefer the basic lavender but rotate through some peppermint, lemon, Thieves or On Guard when colds strike. Stick your oils in this particularly stylish ceramic diffuser.

When using candles, I like a good beeswax one that can help purify the air. Or ones made from non-gmo U.S. grown soy wax or coconut wax…with lead free, cotton wicks of course. Here are a few of my favorite candles that are low on the toxin level.


Creating a space that fosters a restorative slumber is key but so is preparing yourself for that good night’s sleep. Slip into something comfortable like these organic cotton PJs or these silk ones. Next, pour a cuppa herbal tea + making reading or meditating the last thing you do before shutting your eyes at a reasonable time. Then enjoy one of your best night’s of sleep! Oh, it also helps if your kids are spending that night at Grandma’s {wink!}



Here are all the goodies I’ve linked above!


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