5 Habits to Start Building Now

In Lifestyle + Wellness by Tori DalyLeave a Comment

We all have habits…known and unknown…good and bad. But there are some essential habits that you can start adding into your daily routine that will help keep your home clean and organized and reduce undue stress you may never have known was present.

The theoretical magic number for creating a new habit is a minimum of 21 days, depending on the person and the task at hand. So don’t worry if it takes you a full month or longer to get through one or all these tasks. I suggest making a list, in order of how your day goes, to remember to perform these items and post it somewhere accessible so you’re constantly reminded of them. Keep this list handy until you don’t need to refer to it any longer.

Here are my essential everyday to-dos that keep me sane and make life easier when it comes time to really clean and organize:


1. Make the Bed

You have all probably heard this but it’s worth repeating. This is one of the most underestimated, positively impacting daily routines a person can do. As soon as you get out of bed- make it. Then you’re already ontrack for making positive decisions. It’s as simple as that.


2. Wipe Down Surfaces

I can’t stand dirty surfaces, especially in the kitchen. Having crumbs, oil, grease, juice…ANYTHING…can lead to pest problems and is unsanitary. Having worked in the food industry for a long time this is something that has been ingrained in me. Same goes for bathrooms: make up, toothpaste, contact solution, these all build up on the daily and make cleaning that much more difficult in the long run as they sit and cake on the counter. Not to mention, again, gross. I always keep a container of wipes for quick clean ups in the kitchen and bathrooms. One wipe and I feel better leaving the house and not so stressed when I come home. Not to mention the amount of scrubbing needed during my actual cleaning routine is greatly decreased.


3. Clean the Dishes and Sink

This took a little while to get used to, especially with a toddler whose eating schedule is all over the map but generally I wait to run the dishwasher until right before bed which actually also helps with energy consumption during the summer. Then in the morning empty the dishwasher so it’s free to fill (ALL OVER AGAIN) throughout the day or that evening.


4. Fold Laundry ASAP

Laundry may not be a daily task for most but if it is folding everything as soon as it is done saves a TON of time rather than waiting for a huge pile to build up. Think about it, what’s more manageable- a small pile of clothes and towels, or a week’s worth of dirty laundry to wash and fold over 5 hours? Who wants to spend an entire day waiting around for laundry to wash and dry…and fold…and put away? Like the dishwasher, I like to do laundry almost everyday and mostly at night so it doesn’t get out of control. I’ll let a couple loads run then fold while watching TV.



5. Go Through Mail/PaperworkThis is my Everest. I hate mail, especially junk mail, and vow to one day request to get off those mailing lists. Right now we have a basket where everything ends up then gets sorted through. But recently I have been working on throwing junk mail out as soon as it comes into the house, this way we only have important papers to sift through- although it would be nice to be able to chuck the bills as soon as they come in!


Eventually, I will create a divider for all separate unpaid bills then file them away as soon as they get paid. Baby steps.

You don’t have to start practicing all these habits at once. If you are the type of person that needs to focus on one thing at a time then start with the simplest of tasks and build from there. And you don’t have to be perfect- a few slip ups or forgetting a day or two won’t set you back. In all you do, make sure to set yourself up for success…and don’t give up! I do believe that if you start now you can have at least 2-3 of them built into your daily repertoire before the fall and kids go back to school.


What habits do you practice that are helpful in gaining control of your life?

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